by Chris Catapano, CFA, CPA | May 15, 2016 | Business Strategy
Whenever someone says they want to “manage” something, I cringe. I immediately ask myself, is there a better word? After all, words matter. The words we chose carry deep significance, not just because of their inherent meaning, but because they give...
by Chris Catapano, CFA, CPA | May 8, 2016 | Business Strategy
Americans are obsessed with weight loss Our culture is fixated on it. Everywhere you turn you see diet books, thirty day plans, and commercials for weight loss products. There are entire television series devoted to it. It seems like everyone at Trader Joe’s is...
by Chris Catapano, CFA, CPA | Apr 30, 2016 | Business Strategy
You aren’t what you do What you do is important. Aside from being the act that provides food, shelter, cars and shoes, it provides money. But money is just a resource. A scarce good. Something that allows us to do things, procure things, help others, provide for...
by Chris Catapano, CFA, CPA | Apr 24, 2016 | Business Strategy, Law Firm Strategy
The ocean is crazy powerful It was mid morning. Walking along Ocean Beach, I couldn’t help but gaze at the jaw dropping distance between where surf hit the sand and the waterline marking high tide from the night before. A mere nine hours earlier, waves were...
by Chris Catapano, CFA, CPA | Apr 17, 2016 | Business Strategy
It was crazy hot in the Bay Area this weekend Everybody’s talking about it. It’s hot. And it’s only April. Mission Dolores Park was overrun with Millennials (and those who wish they were Millennials) escaping the suffocating heat of their...
by Chris Catapano, CFA, CPA | Apr 10, 2016 | Business Strategy, Law Firm Strategy
The other day, I was sitting in traffic trying to cross the Golden Gate Bridge. I needed to get to the North Bay to meet an important networking colleague and referral partner. It was a meeting that easily could have been a “catch up session” over the...